Social Media Was Completely Fooled By Rumor That Kevin Durant & Brittney Griner Are Dating After PHOTO Emerged Of Them Together (PIC + TWEETS)

Kevin Durant pointing while picture shows Brittney Griner in a suit
Social media can be quite hilarious at times, but it can also be scary at how easily misinformation can be shared and believed.

This week, Kevin Durant went viral on social media, not because of his first game with the Phoenix Suns, but because of a still shot someone took of him greeting Brittney Griner of the Phoenix Mercury.

The two were merely embracing on the court, but a troll account stated that they were dating, which we know is untrue since Griner’s wife has been in the news for months trying to get her free from Russia.

Here’s how social media responded:

Devin Booker Allegedly Gets IG Model & His High School Sweetheart Pregnant at The Same Time (PICS)

Devin Booker just possibly went 2-for-2 from the field while shooting from mid-court, and I’m not sure he meant to do that.

The Phoenix Suns guard is absolutely dynamic on the court with the ball in his hands. He can do nothing wrong.

He’s apparently just as dynamic off the court with the ladies, because it lead the star player to not only impregnating his high school sweetheart, but also an Instagram model by the name of Aaleeyah Petty.


According to Gossip in The City exclusive Dark Room, Booker is the father of IG Model Aaleeyah Petty’s baby. She has been doing Fashion Nova baby bump photos of IG for a couple of months now. Many people thought the baby’s father was Justin Combs, but according to GITC that isn’t true.

They also report that Booker got his High School sweetheart pregnant at the same time and she is upset because she believes that Petty is just in it for the check.

Booker was dating Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods around the time he allegedly got both women pregnant.


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