Shaquille O’neal Once Gave Dennis Rodman’s Example As A Message For Kobe Bryant

“If I Played With Michael Jordan, I Would Have to..”: Shaquille O’Neal Once Gave Dennis Rodman’s Example as a Message for Kobe Bryant
Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neal, and Kobe Bryant. Credits: USA Today Sports

Shaquille O’Neal was an unstoppable force, who scored points for fun. A star player on any league roster, and someone who was a clear No.1 option. But, even he agreed that he would take a back seat if he was playing with Michael Jordan. A player that he claimed even the eccentric Dennis Rodman bowed down to. Perhaps sending a not-so-subtle message to Kobe Bryant.


The infamous feud between Shaq and Kobe is ancient history now. Back during their days as teammates on the LA Lakers, the two notoriously butted heads on several occasions. Particularly over who was the real star on the team. Well, in 2001, Big Diesel may have sent a hint the Black Mamba’s way. In his book Shaq Talks Back, the Hall of Famer elaborated on the role Jordan plays as a superstar. Specifically how he was the undisputed first option on the Bulls, where even egos such as that of The Worm and Scottie Pippen played second fiddle.

Shaquille O’Neal used example of Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman to send a message to Kobe Bryant

In the game of basketball, especially in the NBA, there is always a No.1 option on any team. And, for the prime years of his career, Shaquille O’Neal was that No.1 option. However, it is a complicated position, the dynamics of which The Big Aristotle explained in his 2001 book, Shaq Talks Back.

At that time, the Orlando Magic were in an interesting situation where two ball-dominant players in Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill. Both vying for the No.1 option on the team. But, as Shaq revealed, there can only be one alpha on the team with the other taking a back seat.

It is here that he brought up the example of Dennis Rodman. O’Neal explained that the eccentric superstar along with Scottie Pippen knew that Michael Jordan was the star, and that they had to let him take the spotlight. An interesting theory and one that given the time of the book’s publishing may have been directed to his own teammate Kobe Bryant.

“If I played with Jordan, I would know that Jordan’s taking most of the shots, and I would have to change my role. I would accept that. Dennis Rodman was good at this. He never shot, but he shined. He knew his role. Same with Scottie Pippen. See, in order for two superstars to coexist, one has to bow down.”

Of course, there is no confirming whether or not there is a hidden message in the book. But, it is a possibility, especially considering how things ended in Los Angeles.

Shaq and Kobe’s power struggle led to Big Diesel changing his ways when he went to Miami

Shaquille O’Neal’s tenure with the Los Angeles Lakers was great. But, it wasn’t exactly perfect. While he did win three NBA Championships, his relationship with Kobe Bryant was incredibly toxic. There struggle for power greatly affected team morality, and by 2004, Shaq was on his way out.

So, given his experience, Big Diesel vowed to change his attitude in Miami and be the second option to Dwyane Wade.

Shaq’s maturity was on full display during his time with the Heat. And, it ended up leading him to success. Seeing as he won his fourth championship in his secondary option role.

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