Sports Radio Host Fired For Disgusting Comments On The WNBA (AUDIO)

(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)
Mark Lye won’t be making terrible comments on women’s sports anytime soon after it caused him to lose his job.

The former PGA Tour Pro appeared on SiriusXM’s “The Scorecard,” where he started talking about how the LPGA is better than it was 10 years ago, but made a terrible choice when he compared it to the WNBA by saying watching women’s basketball made him want to shoot himself.

“You know, the LPGA Tour to me is a completely different tour than it was 10 years ago,” Lye said. “You couldn’t pay me to watch, you really couldn’t. Because I just, I couldn’t relate at all.”

“It’s kind of like, you know, if you’re a basketball player — and I’m not trashing anybody — please, don’t take it the wrong way — but I saw some highlights of ladies basketball. Man, is there a gun in the house? I’ll shoot myself than watch that.”

“You know, I love watching the men’s basketball. I love watching the men’s golf. I never used to like watching ladies’ golf. But I will tell you this. I’ve been up close watching these ladies play because I used to have a big function every year called the Lucas Cup and I’d have LPGA players and PGA Tour players.”

His co-host interjected: “Good luck getting some WNBA stars to come play for you.”

“Yeah, I know, I know,” Lye said. “I’m off their list. I’m sorry about that.”

Mark Lye apologized on Twitter, but ultimately defended his message by stating his comments did not make him sexist.

“The fact that I can’t relate to WNBA does not make me sexist in any way,” he wrote. “All you haters should listen to the whole segment, where I completely glorified womens golf, which I love to cover. Thanks for listening.”

Calling people ‘haters’ after what he said is a wild response and shows that he learned absolutely nothing from what he said and why it was a problem.