Alex Morgan Takes Massive Shot At NFL While Inviting Taylor Swift To Watch Her Play “Real Football” (VIDEO).K

Alex Morgan Takes Massive Shot At NFL While Inviting Taylor Swift To Watch Her Play “Real Football” (VIDEO)

Photo of Alex Morgan in USA jersey and photo of Taylor Swift cheering

USWNT star Alex Morgan has extended an invitation to Taylor Swift amid the pop star’s growing popularity among NFL fans.

Swift has been gaining major traction in the football world thanks to her blossoming relationship with Travis Kelce. The two celebrities have hooked up in unlikely fashion, with Kelce lamenting over the fact that he missed an opportunity to slip her his number at one of her concerts before his luck changed.

Things have moved quickly since then and the pair just spent a fun-filled weekend together, making a few notable appearances together too.

The world-famous singer has also attended three Chiefs games this season. Morgan would not mind an appearance at one of her own fixtures and has let Swift know she’s always welcome, though she used the opportunity to take a swipe at American football.

“There’s an open invitation always,” she told reporters who asked if she’d be okay with Swift showing up to one of her soccer games. “I mean, American football games are fun but real football is even more fun.”

Soccer is called football in most other countries, so Alex was quick to pick a side in the age-old debate over which sport deserves to be called football.

Of course, nothing’s ever going to change on those fronts. What everyone else calls football will always be referred to as soccer by Americans. We’ll have to assume Swift’s not going to be attending any of Alex Morgan’s games either.

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