Skip Bayless Goes Off On Charles Barkley For Blasting Him Over LeBron James Criticism, Thr3atening To K!ll Him (VIDEO)

Skip Bayless Goes Off On Charles Barkley For Blasting Him Over LeBron James Criticism, Threatening To K!ll Him (VIDEO)

Skip Bayless is tired of being quiet about Charles Barkley.

For Years, the hall of fame basketball player has taken many shots at Bayless over his undying criticism of LeBron James. The feud between the two had gone to another level when Chuck admitted that he would kill the undisputed analyst on live television.

In 2005 Barkley said, “There are only two people I want to kill: Skip Bayless and Jay Mariotti. Everybody else, I respect their opinions. But those two guys.”

While appearing on The Dan Patrick Show in 2017, Barkley brought up a hypothetical situation involving Bayless once again. “You know what we should do for ratings? If I get a disease and I’m gonna die, how about you get Skip Bayless in here, and I’ll kill him live on national television, Only when I know I’ma die. … Because I just want to get Skip Bayless in a room one time and just beat him like a dog.”

This week, Bayless had finally had enough after Barkey took another shot at him when he said, “Just because a couple of jackasses on television like Skip Bayless, who I hate more in life itself, starts talking about who won and who didn’t won, a guy who never played, and now they’re making a great living doing that. But what bothers me about that is basketball is not an individual sport,” Barkley said.”

Here’s Bayless’ response:

“I’m sick and tired of Charles Barkley blasting me for criticizing LeBron James… it’s been going on for 15 years…

For years [Charles] has said he’d like to kill me. I’ve kept my mouth shut, but I’ve finally said, ‘that’s enough.’”

Here is Skip on his show addressing Chuck:

Skip Bayless has been hating LeBron James since a long time. With James now in Year 19, things are still the same for Bayless, be it on Twitter or on his show on Fox Sports.

It’s rare for him to compliment LeBron, but he has done it. Either way, don’t expect the feud between Chuck and Bayless to end anytime soon.

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