Brooklyn Nets’ Kevin Durant stands out not just for his exceptional skills on the basketball court but also for his distinctive off-court personality. Recognized as one of the NBA’s greatest players, Durant’s candidness in sharing his opinions sets him apart, though not all aspects of his off-court life have been viewed positively. Among these is the tale of a disastrous date with a renowned adult film actress, whose industry value is estimated at $24 million.


Speculation has swirled around Durant’s rumored outing with Lana Rhoades, who, while not naming names, hinted at a date with a Brooklyn Nets star born under the Libra sign. Given Durant is the team’s notable Libra, many have inferred he was the mystery date.

Rhoades candidly recounted the date’s shortcomings, expressing disappointment over the evening’s dynamics. “The guy who invited me also invited another girl as a ‘backup option,’” Rhoades shared, highlighting a trend she’s encountered before. The date fizzled not just because of this but also due to its lackluster nature. “You’re instantly in the friend zone, and who they talk to doesn’t matter to me anymore,” she remarked, emphasizing the boredom she felt.

The conversation, or lack thereof, was another point of contention for Rhoades, who found the NBA player’s responses—or absence thereof—disengaging. She sought a lively exchange but was met with a lack of enthusiasm, summarizing the experience as dull.


Following her revelations, Rhoades faced significant online criticism, much of it harsh and misogynistic. “The way women are spoken to and about online is appalling, and it’s often celebrated,” she noted on Twitter, advocating for a future where misogyny could lead to public condemnation.


Rhoades also lamented the extensive online content about her, arguing against the public’s right to scrutinize her personal decisions. Her previous career, she noted, unfairly made her a target for judgment and hoped for a future where such discussions would be off-limits online.

Rhoades’s frustrations with the backlash are understandable. Her call for respect underscores the necessity of treating individuals with dignity, irrespective of their profession or experiences on a date with a public figure like an NBA superstar.