The Warriors have had a lot of success with Kevin Durant, even if Steph Curry has been a game-changer for Steve Kerr’s men. This rivalry would have created some unease during the 2018 finals, at least according to a player on the roster at that time.

NBA superstars Kevin Durant (left) and Stephen Curry (right)

While many fans were hoping for his return in the summer of 2023, Kevin Durant did not return to the Warriors. There were discussions with Steph Curry according to the player’s admission, but they quickly understood that the transaction was not possible. A disappointment for everyone, even if the relationship between the two was not always perfect for a former teammate.

A Curry/Durant rivalry at the Warriors?

To better understand, we have to go back to the 2018 finals, marking the second title of Kevin Durant’s career. As in 2017, the winger had a crazy series (against Cleveland) and took the opportunity to win the MVP of the finals, with 7 votes against 4 for Steph Curry. But according to Nick Young, who appeared on Gilbert Arenas’ podcast, the Chef didn’t like it.

Nick Young : “I remember Kevin Durant and Steph Curry were neck and neck for Finals MVP. But Steph had a bad game and that’s it. Kevin Durant didn’t miss anything. Steph had his head down, on the verge of tears in the locker room, he really wanted to win this trophy. KD was trying to give it to him though, because he had already won the year before. »


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Durant ended up winning two Finals MVPs from the Warriors, with a unanimous vote in 2017 and a close Steph Curry in 2018. A huge disappointment for the Chef, who won this title in 2022 as a reminder. However, fans are not convinced by the story told by Nick Young.

This podcast is just lies and failed statements.

Why are you all lying?

Was Steph Curry really that close to crying for a Finals MVP? Yes for Nick Young, but let’s say that the player’s history does not speak in his favor. We are curious to know if the Chef will want to respond.